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  • Writer's pictureFalicyaC

Take Chances. Make Mistakes. Get Messy.

People say that once you hit a certain age you are no longer aloud to watch certain shows, movies, or read certain books. They say that once you reach your mid-twenties you cant enjoy the things you did as a kid, such as cartoons. My response to that is tough luck for those of you who believe in that rubbish! I believe that if you want to enjoy the things you did as a kid why cant you when you want to as an adult?

I came to this realization when I saw that The Magic School Bus was on Netflix. TMSB was my favorite as a kid and I love it even more now because I want to become a teacher and for those of you that watched the show Ms. Frizzle was the best teacher there was! As I was watching the show a thought did creep into my mind of what would people say if they found out I watching the show. Then after a few moments of thought I no longer cared because I know that I enjoy the show and that it is going to help me with my future career and students.

As I watched the show I came to the realization that I can watch what I want.

I thought about those of you out there like me, those who want to do the things they did as a child but afraid to because of what people will think. This blog is written to say embrace your inner child and don't be afraid to do what you once did when you did not have a care in the world and did not care what others thought or had to say about you. you would be very surprised to find out that when you revisit the books and TV shows you watched as a child as an adult you can learn a lot of valuable lessons that you can adapt to your life in positive ways.

Don't be afraid to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!

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